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Every morning we get up to the mission of being the world's top 3D artisans in producing the finest 3D memorabilia. Every night we work into the late hours ensuring the day's production is meticulously inspected for top quality. We'll help you keep those special memories alive in 3D! Proudly Authentic and Original.

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Nothing Comes Close to a 3D Laser Crystal

You may think that one 3D laser crystal is very much like any other, but it's simply not true! Take a look at these two images, you can clearly see the difference between us and a competitor.

Our in-house artists work hard to create a real masterpiece — the results are 3D laser crystals with superior contrast between the light and dark areas, the best ‘pop' effect to make your image stand out and the highest level of clarity in the details - a true work-of-art that will last for generations!


So, How Did it All Start?

Riyaz Datoo, the founder of 3D Laser Crystal, loves laser technology. He started working on a solution to innovate and create his own spin on a 3D product that would amaze people when they saw what could be done with their photos, back in 1999. As digital photography became more available, Riyaz saw the 3D laser crystal as a natural solution for preserving sentimental moments in as life-like a format as possible. He has worked very hard to continue innovation year after year, surprising the industry with new techniques to make the product evolve.

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